How to Get a Cheap Massage in New York

How to Get a Cheap Massage in New York

Many people in the west think of a massage as a luxury. In other cultures it is not uncommon for family members to sit around in circles giving each other the positive benefits of massage. Depending on where you live, getting a massage can call to mind images of incense and candles, falling water and special stones, scented oils and relaxing music. If you live in one of the big cities, a huge price tag usually comes to mind as well. Be willing to trade in some of the high-end decor and Madison-Avenue style addresses of a typical massage parlor and you will walk away with more than just money in your wallet-you will also have incredible relief from whatever ails you.


Go to Chinatown. Chinatown is often an overlooked destination in major cities for people looking for spa and
treatments. In New York, a visit to Chinatown and a walk down side streets will treat you to a host of massage parlors charging half of what their midtown counterparts charge. Get ready to experience an amazing mix of massage and acupressure-something you might not necessarily get at higher prices.


Take the metro to Canal Street and walk along the main strip looking for signs hung in windows advertising acupressure massage. There is a massage center near White St. and Broadway as well. You have to walk down a flight of steps-the sign is on the sidewalk.


Also. try visiting a massage school where again, prices will be about half of what you would pay elsewhere. To find a massage school near you, check out

Tips & Warnings

Even though the massages are cheap, you should still plan to give your student or professional masseuse a tip-bring some extra cash.

Look in your phone book under massage schools as well.

Don't be shy. Usually massages are not given in your own private room. You are private, but separated from others in a large room by a curtain, not a door.