How to Get a Great Night's Sleep

How to Get a Great Night's Sleep

When you’re young and busy trying to build a life—or, for that matter, old and trying to maintain one, it’s far too easy to miss out on a lot of much-needed sleep. This is a shame because a sound sleep strengthens the immune system, repairs skin and body cells, enhances memory and improves overall mood—all very important, no matter what your age. Likewise, no matter how busy you are, you deserve and should reserve time for getting a great night’s sleep. It’s easier than you might think.

Things You'll Need:

Chamomile tea

Lavender oil

Lavender incense

Eye mask

Soothing music


Three hours prior to the time you go to bed, have a cup of chamomile tea. Then abstain from drinking beverages from that point on so that you won’t be called by nature in the middle of the night. Great sleep, after all, is seamless.


Thirty minutes prior to your bedtime, burn
incense and turn the lights down. Sprinkle some lavender oil directly onto your pillow for reinforcements.


What makes a great night’s sleep even better is one that ends with you waking up looking better as well as feeling better. To increase the chances of such an occurrence, wash your face with a natural soap of your choice—one with seaweed, ideally—and follow that up with an application of eye and face cream. This will provide that clean and fresh feeling for your face at the same time as it aids your skin in its reparation over the course of the night.


Select from your music collection a soothing work of music you aren’t especially familiar with and play it. This should be an instrumental piece, perhaps classical, jazz or experimental, as you don’t want to be distracted by overpowering vocals, nor do you want to be tempted to begin singing along.


Let go. Sitting up on the side of the bed, take five consecutive deep breaths, with each one, releasing a worry you’ve been haunted by. Forgive yourself for mistakes you might have made during the day (within reason).


Put on your eye mask, lie down and simply imagine to the music. While in this state, try not to think of your own life. Rather, try to custom tailor the images or the drama playing out in your mind to the music you hear. Let the music and your imagination tell a story until you’re no longer able to follow where they lead.

Tips & Warnings

Despite the myth, you don't have to have eight hours of sleep to feel rested in the morning. However, no less than five is recommended.