How to get a High Colonic Treatment

How to get a High Colonic Treatment

The digestive system is a delicate machine. Its efficiency is dependent on several factors including diet and disease. Alternatives to medicine are often sought by people looking for drug-free solutions to digestive issues. High colonics are one of the most popular alternatives for internal cleansing of the body.


Be comfortable with the person giving the treatment. This is an intimate procedure. It can be extremely uncomfortable when approached too quickly. Ask the technician questions about how universal precautions are maintained. Develop a rapport that will make the procedure as seamless as possible.


Ask about the equipment that is used. Do some online research to determine the latest models of high colonic devices. Angel of Water, for example, is a major colonic system distributor. Determine the age of the machine that the technician is using and how it is cleaned from one treatment to the next.


Make sure there are no digestive issues that may be exacerbated by a high colonic. Chronic diarrhea or Crohn's disease are two conditions that will not be helped by a high colonic. Those considering a high colonic with these conditions should consult a physician first.


Do as much online research as possible. Many are embarrassed by the thought of a high colonic and may hesitate about asking certain questions in person. Approaching high colonics as a subject matter expert will ensure the procedure is as productive as possible.

How to Get a Great Night's Sleep

How to Get a Great Night's Sleep

When you’re young and busy trying to build a life—or, for that matter, old and trying to maintain one, it’s far too easy to miss out on a lot of much-needed sleep. This is a shame because a sound sleep strengthens the immune system, repairs skin and body cells, enhances memory and improves overall mood—all very important, no matter what your age. Likewise, no matter how busy you are, you deserve and should reserve time for getting a great night’s sleep. It’s easier than you might think.

Things You'll Need:

Chamomile tea

Lavender oil

Lavender incense

Eye mask

Soothing music


Three hours prior to the time you go to bed, have a cup of chamomile tea. Then abstain from drinking beverages from that point on so that you won’t be called by nature in the middle of the night. Great sleep, after all, is seamless.


Thirty minutes prior to your bedtime, burn
incense and turn the lights down. Sprinkle some lavender oil directly onto your pillow for reinforcements.


What makes a great night’s sleep even better is one that ends with you waking up looking better as well as feeling better. To increase the chances of such an occurrence, wash your face with a natural soap of your choice—one with seaweed, ideally—and follow that up with an application of eye and face cream. This will provide that clean and fresh feeling for your face at the same time as it aids your skin in its reparation over the course of the night.


Select from your music collection a soothing work of music you aren’t especially familiar with and play it. This should be an instrumental piece, perhaps classical, jazz or experimental, as you don’t want to be distracted by overpowering vocals, nor do you want to be tempted to begin singing along.


Let go. Sitting up on the side of the bed, take five consecutive deep breaths, with each one, releasing a worry you’ve been haunted by. Forgive yourself for mistakes you might have made during the day (within reason).


Put on your eye mask, lie down and simply imagine to the music. While in this state, try not to think of your own life. Rather, try to custom tailor the images or the drama playing out in your mind to the music you hear. Let the music and your imagination tell a story until you’re no longer able to follow where they lead.

Tips & Warnings

Despite the myth, you don't have to have eight hours of sleep to feel rested in the morning. However, no less than five is recommended.

How to Get A Good Night Sleep

How to Get A Good Night Sleep

A guideline to help improve both quality and amount of sleep.

Things You'll Need:

your pillow and bed


Go to bed and get up the same time every day, including weekends and holidays.


Avoid napping during the day, because this interferes with your ability to get to sleep a night.


Exercise during the day, preferably before dinner, for at least half an hour (a brisk walk will do). Finish exercising 2-3 hours before bedtime, this allows your body to "wind down"


Avoid heavy meales within 2 hours of bedtime, and avoid going to bed too hungry (a light snack may helo if you eat dinner early in the evening).


Avoid liquids within 2 hours of bedtime, especially if you need to get up in the night to urinate.


Reduce caffeine and nicotine (both stimulants) as much as possible.


Avoid heavy alcohol consumption before bedtime, as it can cause middle of the night wakefulness.


Creat a bedtime routine to help yourself "wind down" at the end of the day. Avoid vigorous physical or mental activity, stimulating tv shows, or computer use, loud music, bright lights, etc. Turn the lights lower, take a warm bath or shower, listen to soft music.


Don't try to force yourself to sleep. If you are unable to fall asleep within 15-20 minutes, get up and do a relaxing activity such as meditating.


Using relaxation techniques at bedtime can help relax tense muscles and calm a racing mind. Try relaxation breathing, positive visualization, progessive muscle relaxtion, or simply counting sheep.


Don't do anything in bed except sleep and sex. Bill paying, watching tv, eating, reading, and so on will develop a habit of wakefulness in bed. Turn off the tv in your bedroom at bedtime.


Use a "white noise" generator if you have a noisy sleeping enviroment. Try a fan, a machine that generates ocen or forest sounds, or a ticking clock to mask background noise. Ear plugs also may help.


Darken your sleep enviroment by using blinds, curtains, or shades. Turn off lights except for a nightlight, if desired. Use eye shades if needed. Darkness helps cue the brain to sleep.


Keep your room temperature slightly cool to promote deeper sleep. Too much warm or too cold a room will cause wakefulness. Layers of blankets in winter may work better than one heavy blanket and be more easily adjusted to temperature needs.


Check for matters comfort, since mattresses wear out over time. Turn your matters over if there is a "valley" in it, and if needed, purchase a new one or get a topping for it.


If your partner is a restless sleeper, snores, or has markedly different sleep needs or schedule, consider sleeing in seperate beds or seperate rooms.


If pain is causing sleeplessness, using an over the counter analgesic such as Tylenol or aspirin is more appropriate than sleeping pills.


Sex (when physically and emotionally satisfying) can help sleep.


Don't be afraid of insomnia; the less you fight, resist, or fear sleeplessness, the more it will tend to go away.


Some medications can cause insomnia. If you develop sleeplessness and are taking medication, especially if the problem develops shortly after beginning a new medication, consult your physician or pharmacist.


Consult with a physician before taking any herbal or "natural" remedies for insomnia, espceially if you are taking other medications. Over the counter sleeping aides should be used only infrequently or for a brief periods of time. If you are using them regularly, consult with a physician to determine if they are the underlying condition contributing to your insomnia.

How to Get a Colonic

How to Get a Colonic

Many people who get colonics on a regular basis swear by them and notice a significant difference in their health. Colonics may not be the most comfortable experience to get used to, but once you get past the initial embarrassment, many say they benefit from the cleansing process. Follow these steps to make sure you get a proper colonic.


Locate a colonic establishment that is known for being effective and professional. Ask friends, family and close associates to recommend a place or person. If the same name keeps coming up, you know you have found a great colonic therapist.


Call the colonic therapist and schedule an appointment. Ask if there are any particular instructions you need to follow before coming to your appointment. Most likely, there are some pre-appointment instructions, so make sure you take copious notes or ask for an information sheet to be emailed, faxed or mailed to you.


Study the instructions for the preparation for your colonic. The day before your colonic, you need to eat light which means only fruits and vegetables. And on the day of your colonic you need to continue to eat light or not at all. You must not eat food or drink water one to two hours before your colonic.


Arrive at your appointment early. Try to give yourself time to relax and not stress by making sure to not be late.

Tips & Warnings

Other sources for colonic recommendations are massage therapists, chiropractors,
salons and nutritionists.

People receive a colonic because they want to improve their overall health and well-being.

People who receive colonics believe that the colonic improves the function of the colon. The rationale is that is the colon functions properly, other systems in the body function properly, too.

Eliminating matter that cannot be processed in the body is important to the digestive system. Colonics improve that process, so the body can digest food better.

Your therapist who does the colonic will tell you what foods not to eat during the preparation and post colonic period. The most common foods not to eat are processed foods like bottled or canned food, pasteurized dairy, wheat, cookies, cake, bread, pizza, muffins and bagels.

How to Get a Chiropractic Thoracic Adjustment

How to Get a Chiropractic Thoracic Adjustment

A person who sits at a desk for long periods of time often develops pain and tightness in the thoracic region, which includes the neck and back. By making thoracic adjustments, chiropractors can relieve this pain and tightness.


Visit the American Chiropractic Association website. Here you'll find a wealth of information for patients considering chiropractic care. You can also locate a chiropractor in your area by entering your zip code on this website (see Resources below).


Describe your symptoms and your lifestyle to your chiropractor. The chiropractor will evaluate your spine and check for motion and mobility as well as inflammation.


Get a thoracic adjustment. Depending on the individual chiropractor, this happens in a number of different ways. Some chiropractors ask you to lie on your stomach and use their hands to adjust your spine. Others use handheld tools. And still others ask you to wrap your arms around your front--as if you are giving yourself a hug--and then manipulate your spine from the front of your body.


Ask your chiropractor what you can do to help your body heal. Your treatment plan will probably involve a number of visits, but there are things that you can do between visits to make yourself feel better. For example, if your job or school requires you to work at a computer for long periods of time, you should consider doing stretching exercises at regular intervals throughout the day.

How to Get a Chiropractic Neck Adjustment

How to Get a Chiropractic Neck Adjustment

If you've been experiencing chronic neck and spinal pain, a visit to the chiropractor for an adjustment may benefit you more than traditional medical treatment. You may feel a little nervous at the idea of a chiropractic adjustment, but you shouldn't. Multitudes of patients have reported success with chiropractic treatments. Here's what to expect when you visit the chiropractor for neck and spinal problems.


Learn the benefits of chiropractic treatment. These include better circulation, the removal of lactic acid from the body, increased delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the blood, better flexibility, a reduction in pain and soreness, fewer muscle spasms and a lowered chance of future injury.


Have the chiropractor find out which vertebrae in your neck are out of alignment. Lie face down on the chiropractor's table with your feet hanging off the edge and your arms hanging down loosely. The chiropractor may use a light force activator on each vertebra to ascertain its alignment (or lack thereof) and to slide it gently back into place.


Get a more physical adjustment. Lie on your back on the chiropractor's table, feet shoulder-width apart, hands relaxed at your sides. The chiropractor grasps your head in his hands at the base of your neck. He moves your head from side to side and pops the neck back into alignment.

Tips & Warnings

A chiropractic activator is a short thin rod with a rubber foot and an adjustable spring tension device. It delivers a small controlled mechanical shock to the specific area in need of treatment when pushed down.

How to Get a Chiropractic Lower Back Adjustment

How to Get a Chiropractic Lower Back Adjustment

If you've been experiencing chronic lower back pain, a visit to the chiropractor may be in order. You may feel a little nervous at the idea of a chiropractic adjustment, but you shouldn't. Numerous patients report success with chiropractic treatments. Here's what to expect when you visit the chiropractor for lower back problems.


Get a physical lower back adjustment. Lie on your side facing the chiropractor. Bend your top leg and lower your knee in front of the other leg until it touches the table. Cross your arms in front of you as if you are giving yourself a bear hug. The chiropractor quickly pushes against your tail bone with one hand and pushes down on your arms with the other hand. You may feel the joints in your lower back move or make a cracking sound.


Have the chiropractor perform a light force adjustment. Lie face down on the chiropractor's table with your feet hanging off the edge. The chiropractor may use an activator or similar instrument. He will click on the side of your lower back, the center of your lower back and below your buttocks. This moves the hip to relieve lower back pressure. He may repeat the procedure on the other side if necessary.


Expect X-rays at the chiropractor's office. This allows the chiropractor to see the curvature of your spine, the alignment of the vertebrae and the way your spine and neck align.

Tips & Warnings

A chiropractic activator is a short rod with a hard rubber foot and an adjustable spring-tension device. When pushed down, it delivers a small, controlled mechanical shock to the specific area in need of treatment.

How to Get a Chiropractic Cranial Adjustment

How to Get a Chiropractic Cranial Adjustment

There are 5 bony plates in the head that can move slightly. By manipulating these bones, chiropractors are able to correct a number of ailments, from attention deficit disorder to migraine headaches. Follow these steps to get a chiropractic cranial adjustment.


Visit the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) website to find a chiropractor in your area. You can also find information for patients on this site (see Resources below).


Describe your symptoms to your chiropractor. If you are suffering from headaches, keep a headache diary which describes the intensity of your headaches, your sleep patterns on the nights directly before your headache, possible food triggers and any other information that you think might be helpful. Having this information in writing will allow you to provide it to your chiropractor more easily and accurately.


Talk to your chiropractor about self-care for your problem. Chiropractors often recommend nutritional modifications, stretching or other techniques that you can perform at home to help your symptoms.


Talk to your chiropractor about self-care for your problem. Chiropractors often recommend nutritional modifications, stretching or other techniques that you can perform at home to help your symptoms.

How to Get a Cheap Massage in New York

How to Get a Cheap Massage in New York

Many people in the west think of a massage as a luxury. In other cultures it is not uncommon for family members to sit around in circles giving each other the positive benefits of massage. Depending on where you live, getting a massage can call to mind images of incense and candles, falling water and special stones, scented oils and relaxing music. If you live in one of the big cities, a huge price tag usually comes to mind as well. Be willing to trade in some of the high-end decor and Madison-Avenue style addresses of a typical massage parlor and you will walk away with more than just money in your wallet-you will also have incredible relief from whatever ails you.


Go to Chinatown. Chinatown is often an overlooked destination in major cities for people looking for spa and
treatments. In New York, a visit to Chinatown and a walk down side streets will treat you to a host of massage parlors charging half of what their midtown counterparts charge. Get ready to experience an amazing mix of massage and acupressure-something you might not necessarily get at higher prices.


Take the metro to Canal Street and walk along the main strip looking for signs hung in windows advertising acupressure massage. There is a massage center near White St. and Broadway as well. You have to walk down a flight of steps-the sign is on the sidewalk.


Also. try visiting a massage school where again, prices will be about half of what you would pay elsewhere. To find a massage school near you, check out

Tips & Warnings

Even though the massages are cheap, you should still plan to give your student or professional masseuse a tip-bring some extra cash.

Look in your phone book under massage schools as well.

Don't be shy. Usually massages are not given in your own private room. You are private, but separated from others in a large room by a curtain, not a door.

How to Get a Better Night's Sleep

How to Get a Better Night's Sleep

Insomnia can be a frustrating problem and counting sheep doesn't always solve the problem. Sometimes simple changes are all that's needed to improve your sleep quality. Here's how to get a better night's sleep.


Avoid watching television of doing computer work before going to sleep. Bright lights and flashing patterns can activate the brain and keep you awake.


Limit your caffeine consumption. Caffeine can be a prime culprit when it comes to insomnia. Even caffeine consumed early in the day can affect sleep patterns. Try to eliminate or drastically reduce your caffeine consumption.


Drink warm milk or a noncaffeinated, herbal tea with sleep inducing properties. Warm milk has high levels of tryptophan which can help to promote sleep. A good tea to help bring on healthy sleep is chamomile tea.


Don't exercise within four hours of bedtime. Exercise tends to be activating and can keep you awake. Make it a practice to exercise earlier in the day as regular exercise can help promote healthy sleep patterns.


Maintain an optimal room temperature. If your bedroom is too hot, it can make sleep difficult. Consider adding a fan to your bedroom if temperature is a problem.


Take a warm bubble bath before heading to bead. The warm water and soft, fragrant bubbles will help to relax you and prepare you for sleep. Consider sipping warm milk as you relax in the tub.


If you want a better night's sleep, avoid sleeping pills. Many sleep medications can be addictive and they often leave you with residual grogginess in the morning which can be dangerous if you have to drive to work. If you need a sleep aid, ask your doctor about taking a small dose of melatonin, a natural supplement for sleep.


Play soothing new age music as your lie in bed. This can help to relax your mind and promote the onset of healthy sleep.

Tips & Warnings

If you can't sleep, don't lie in bed tossing and turning. Get up and do something. Trying to force yourself to sleep is counterproductive.

Don't take daytime naps which can make it even more difficult to sleep at night.

How to Treat Acne With Burdock Root

How to Treat Acne With Burdock Root

Acne can be an embarrassing problem. It's also something that can be controlled using a combination of a good diet, a smart exercise program and the right herbs.

One of the best herbs I've found for skin problems like acne is burdock root. For best results, you need to apply it to the skin and also take it internally. Most people see results after about a month so give it a chance. This isn't a quick fix, but it does work.

Things You'll Need:

1 tsp. dried burdock root

2 cups water

Medium saucepan


Add water and herbs to the medium saucepan.


Set stove to medium-high and bring to a boil. Leave saucepan uncovered.


Once it comes to a boil, turn the heat down to low. Simmer until the liquid is reduced to about half.


Take about 1/2 cup internally two to three times a day. Also, dab the liquid onto the affected skin using a cotton ball in the morning and at night.

Tips & Warnings

Burdock is known as a blood cleanser. This means that it works to clear your body of any impurities.

Make sure you aren't allergic to burdock root.

Make sure the liquid cools.

Let your doctor and dermatologist know that you are taking burdock root for your acne.

How to Teach Reiki

How to Teach Reiki

There are no tests to pass to become a Reiki master. Teaching Reiki does not require a license or accreditation from any school. Reiki is a spiritual practice, and the most successful teachers are those most in touch with their higher power's energy. You should practice Reiki before teaching it since you will want to be able to answer questions and explain various situations from your own experience.


Take your Reiki master class from a group or institute that delivers some kind of certificate to attest to the successful completion of your training. This certificate will validate you as a Reiki master with the necessary know-how to be a teacher.


Offer Reiki treatments to friends and family. After they feel the healing power of your service, they may express interest in learning more. You could start a first class with people you know.


Ask for referrals. Once you have a trained cadre of Reiki masters who will attest to your wonderful training, you can begin to set up more classes for the referrals they will send you. Training can be done in your home or you can rent space at a new thought church or yoga studio.


Join a holistic practice if you want to practice Reiki as a full-time profession. These are becoming more popular throughout the country and typically involve massage therapists, acupuncturists, yoga instructors and homeopathic doctors. You can share rent and marketing as well as use each other for referrals.


Write articles for local papers, both independent freebies and regular regional and local magazines. Many publications will publish articles with no pay, but will give you space to publicize your classes. These articles also will help to set up your credentials as an expert in the field.

How to Take Willow Bark for Health

How to Take Willow Bark for Health

Willow bark as a medicinal herb usually comes from the white willow tree (Salax alba) and it is also known as the European willow and purple willow. It is native to Europe and western Asia. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read up on the historical uses of willow bark. Its medicinal use is ancient and is recorded in Assyria, Egypt and Sumer. Hippocrates described its preparation in detail around 400 B.C. and prescribed it to reduce aches, pains and fevers.


Look at the properties of salicin, one of the active components of willow bark. Salicin is chemically similar to aspirin and appears to have the same effect, although it may be slower-acting and longer-lasting than aspirin.


Use willow bark as an herbal remedy to reduce pain and inflammation. The Food and Drug Administration does not consider willow bark to be a medicine and does not regulate it.


Study the side effects of willow bark. Some people may be allergic and you should consult your health care provider before using willow bark if you are taking anti-inflammatory or blood-thinning medication. Willow bark should not be given to
under the age of 16.


Take no more than the recommended dosage. Capsules should be standardized for salicin content and limited to 240 mg per day. A tea can also be made from 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup. Drink no more than 3 to 4 cups per day.

How to Take Pygeum for Health

How to Take Pygeum for Health

Pygeum (Prunus africanum) is so named because this tree was formerly classified as Pygeum africanum, and the older genus is still retained when referring to the herb for medicinal use. It is native to central and southern Africa and is commonly called stinkwood and African plum. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read about the historical uses of pygeum. The bark has been used for thousands of years to treat bladder and urinary disorders, particularly prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).


Consider the results of modern scientific testing. Most of the clinical trials showed that pygeum improved the symptoms of BPH. An extract made from pygeum bark is marketed under the name Pygenil in Italy and Tadenan in France. Its use is less common in the United States.


Study the side effects of pygeum. It is generally well-tolerated with the rare reported side effects being constipation, diarrhea, nausea and upset stomach.


Take no more than the recommended dosage. The studied dosages have been in the range of 75 to 200 mg of a standardized extract once per day. A combination of 25 mg pygeum and 30 mg of stinging nettle is also frequently used.


Consult with a healthcare provider before combining pygeum with other drugs to treat BPH. Its use has not been well-studied in
under 18 years, pregnant and nursing women or chronic use of more than one year.

How to Pick a Women's Skirt Suit

How to Pick a Women's Skirt Suit

If you're in the market for a women's skirt suit, check out the tips in this article. Women's skirts suits can be worn to special occasion events and even in the workplace. So,if heading to the mall to pick out a skirt suit drives you crazy or sifting through racks of suits makes your head hurt, follow this how-to guide and find the right skirt suit for you.

How to Pick a Women's Skirt Suit


Go to your local mall, head to a department store and sift through the women's department. Once you find the "business" section, think about what type of skirt suit you are shopping for.


Choose a sophisticated skirt suit for work. Stay away from short skirts and loud colors. For work-related purposes, skirts should not come above the knee or thigh.


Pick a shorter skirt for a more flirtatious look, and pair it with a more stylish blazer. In addition to department stores, boutiques offer fashionable twists on the traditional skirt suit.


Wear a more dressy skirt suit for special occasions. Depending on the event, longer skirts paired with dressy blazers are more appropriate. Look for fabrics such as silk and satin for a dressy skirt suit look.


Add some skirt suits to your wardrobe for casual outings. These should have casual fabrics such as linen and light cotton.

How to Pick a Women's Pants Suit

How to Pick a Women's Pants Suit

When heading to the mall and looking for a suit, the business section of the women's department can be daunting. Women's pants suits come in a variety of styles. From casual and chic to workplace fab, designers have provided women with suits for every occasion.

Things You'll Need:

Access to a department store

Time to shop

How to Pick a Women's Pants Suit


Go to your local mall and shop in the department stores. Head to the women's department and start sifting through the racks.


Choose a sophisticated pants suit for work. Go with colors such as black, gray, navy and pinstripes, and stay away from loud colors such as yellows, oranges, pinks, and purples. For Spring and Summer, cream and white suits are also appropriate.


For more casual events outside of work, choose a casual pants suit. This is where style can come into play. Several designers create fashionable looks for business suits that stray away from the typical tailored pants suit with a one-button blazer. Have fun with these events and choose a suit that's outside of the box. If it's Spring, choose a casual linen pants suit that has a funky blazer.


Stay away from heavy or high shoulder pads. Pant suits that include these can make women look bulky, heavy and outdated.


Choose a more dressy pants suit for special occasions. Go with fabrics that are indicative of that, like silk and satin. Simple dressy pants suits are the most impressive at a special occasion. Often, pants suits that are embellished with heavy beading or sequins, can be a bit much and overcome a room.

How to Pick a Women's Blouse

How to Pick a Women's Blouse

You probably already have several blouses in your closet. These are great basic items that can work well for the office and for the weekend, too. If you want to add another blouse to your collection, here are some tips to guide your shopping.

Things You'll Need:


Supportive bra






Evaluate what you already own before you head to the store. Determine what fabrics and colors you have and what you are missing.


Decide if you need a basic blouse that will go with everything, or a special blouse to match a particular outfit.


Think about what type of finish you would like. You might opt for a classic broadcloth blouse or a dressier silk or satin look.


Look for fabrics that are easy-to-care for and clean.


Try on blouses that are well-fitted. Look for darts in the front to add a more feminine touch and flatter your figure.


Consider what neckline suits you best. You'll find blouses with deeper V's and ones that come up higher on your chest. See what works best with your body type.


Find blouses in different lengths. If you plan to wear it untucked, you might want a shorter, fitted style that comes to the top of your hips. Or, if you plan to tuck it in, try a straighter style that comes to mid-hip.


Wear a supportive bra to get the full effect of the blouses you are trying and see the true fit.


Go up or down a size if needed to be sure you've found the best fit. Make sure you have no gaps or bunching in the front or on the sides, and make sure that the blouse isn't baggy or too big.

Tips & Warnings

Keep in mind that blouses can be great layering pieces. You can put sweaters or vests over them, and camisoles or tanks underneath. Just be sure that the fabric is thin and smooth enough so that it isn't too bulky with other pieces added.

Avoid masculine-cut blouses if you have a larger chest or mid-section, as this might make you look too square.

How to Pick a Woman's Overcoat

How to Pick a Woman's Overcoat

An overcoat is one of the more expensive items in a woman's wardrobe, and not necessarily something you buy every year. Choose an overcoat by considering your fashion and lifestyle needs so that you have a versatile item that lasts for a while. Read on to learn how to pick a woman's overcoat.


Assess your figure. Look at features such as height, a high waistline, broad shoulders, long legs and hip size. Seek out styles that work on others with a similar body type.


Think about the overcoat's use. Choose a woman's overcoat that has more than one use. You want to have something that goes to work and out for the evening, for instance.


Go classic in style and color. Unless you can afford something new every year, choose an overcoat in a neutral color and a style that lasts several seasons.


Remember the weather. The climate where you live has to be a factor in your choice. If it rains a lot, choose an overcoat with water repellent fabric and a warm lining. If it is a place with cold and snow, go for the warm fabrics such as wool or microfibers.


Select the right size. You want a good fit but also room for layers underneath. Make sure you can move freely in the shoulders and that the length isn't going to get in your way.


Shop carefully. Choose a woman's overcoat over several shopping trips. This isn't an item for an impulse purchase unless you know it's perfect.

Tips & Warnings

The single-breasted coat is best for women who are larger on top.

A double-breasted classic pea coat style that comes over the hips helps out a pear-shape.

Go shorter on overcoat length if you are not that tall. It makes your legs look longer, and you don't look lost in all that fabric.

Shop end-of-season sales and outlets. A classic cut is just that-it doesn't go out of style, and you can often get half-price deals on good brand names by shopping carefully.

Change the look from season to season with scarves, hats and gloves.

How to Pick a Wedding Dress Style

How to Pick a Wedding Dress Style

One of the most important things for every bride on her wedding day is how she looks in her wedding dress. If you want to look your best on your wedding day, you must pick the right wedding dress style. From the type of skirt to the design of the top, you must find the style that best compliments your features and your body type. Here are some tips for picking the perfect wedding dress style.

Things You'll Need:

Bridal magazines


A good friend


Browse through bridal magazines to find styles you like and those that exemplify the styles that would compliment the wedding you are planning. Clip the pictures to take with you to the wedding dress shops.


Schedule an appointment to try on wedding dresses at a wedding dress shop that has a variety of dress styles in a variety of sizes that you can try on.


Go to your wedding dress shop appointment with a good friend and a camera.


Show your magazine clippings to the wedding dress shop consultant so she knows what you are looking for.


Ask the wedding dress shop consultant to pull dresses for you to try on that are similar to the magazine clipping dresses and a few that exemplify other styles that she thinks would compliment your body type.


Try on many wedding dresses in as many different styles as possible, even if you think they are not what you want. Try on dresses with different skirt styles and top styles to get a feeling of what looks and feels best on you.


Ask your friend's opinion of every dress and note the pros and cons of each style. Have your friend take a picture of you in each dress for reference when you leave the dress shop.


Pick the wedding dress style that you looked the best in.


Visit at least two more dress shops and ask to see dresses of a similar style before selecting your final dress.

Tips & Warnings

Wedding dresses are difficult to evaluate on the hanger. Try on many styles, even if you think they are not right for you. You might be surprised!

The style you like best in a magazine might not be the best for you body type. Make sure you evaluate how each style compliments your best and worst features, and do not just pick a dress based on how it looks on a model in a magazine.

Never buy the first dress you like after selecting your wedding dress style. You may be able to find a different dress with the same style that you like better at another dress shop.

How to Pick a Type of Jeans to Buy

How to Pick a Type of Jeans to Buy

Buying jeans online is quick and easy, but with thousands of choices available, some people find it difficult to narrow down what kind of jeans they should pick. Read on and discover how to evaluate your choices so you'll know what kind of jeans work best for you.


Think about your needs. If you're buying jeans to wear outside of work, decide what kinds of activities you want to do in your jeans. Going to a nightclub, for instance, might demand a different kind of jeans than if you're taking your kids to the park.


Consider fabric first. Determine if you need your jeans to be extra durable or if they're simply a fashion statement. Carpenters and horseback riders need sturdier jeans than most people do. Some designer jeans come pre-worn to make them softer and give them a fun finish.


Decide what kind of wash you want. If your jeans are strictly for recreational activities, you can buy any type of wash, and you can even pick some funky details like rips or whiskering on the tops of the legs. For work, though, you'll need more conservative jeans with a darker wash.


Find your fit. Super low-rise jeans are popular, as are high-waisted styles. For work, though, a mid-rise jean is your best and most professional bet.


Determine what details you'd like. You can buy jeans now with embroidery, beading and other embellishments. Decide if these are appropriate for what you plan to do in your jeans and pick accordingly.